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Hakata skewer grilled sticking to eat at a retreat behind Nishi Asakusa alley!Harenoichi.

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  • Harenoichi.
  • Harenoichi.
  • Harenoichi.
  • Harenoichi.
  • Harenoichi.

Store information

Store name Harenoichi.
Address 3-12-8, Nishiasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-6324-9438
Parking Lot Without parking lots
Business hours 17:00~24:00(L.O.23:00)
Regular holiday Tuesday
Average budget
  1. ¥4,000
Credit card
  1. visa
  2. master
  3. jcb
  5. Diners Club
Electronic money
  1. Electronic money can not be used
Web site

Seats / Facilities

Total number of seats 26 seats
Number of people allowed to rent It's impossible to reserve.
Private room nothing
Smoking no somking

Menu service / Related information

Store features 博多串焼きの有名店で10年修行した店主が焼く、鳥豚牛魚介、今話題の野菜巻き串まで様々な串焼きが楽しめます。

You can enjoy various kinds of skewers, from shop owner baked in the famous Hakata skewaki restaurant for 10 years, birds pig cow seafood, to the topic of vegetable winding skewers.In addition to skewers, special dishes of Hakata fee are cooked, such as "Broiled pot" which is grilled with charcoal fire, and "Sesame kanpachi" of sashimi of Hakata.Japanese sake, shochu and so on can be prepared with seasonal seasonal sake from time to time, and you can enjoy authentic soju highball only with harrenoichi.

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