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With Asakusa 140 years! Paulownia box specialty store of veteran business「hacocho」HACOCHO Metro street store

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  • HACOCHO Metro street store
  • HACOCHO Metro street store
  • HACOCHO Metro street store
  • HACOCHO Metro street store

Store information

Store name HACOCHO Metro street store
Address 1-34-5,Asakusa ,Taito-Ku ,Tokyo
Nearest station Tokyo metro Ginza line “Asakusa station”
Toei Asakusa line “Asakusa station”
Tobu sky tree line “Asakusa station”
Tsukuba express “Asakusa station”
TEL 03-3843-8727
Parking Lot There is no parking zone
Business hours 10:00~19:30
Regular holiday open all year round
Average budget
  1. 300 Yen ~400,000 circle
    sell muscle commodity 1000 Yen ~10,000 circle
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Menu service / Related information

Menu service
In Japan simply one eaves, it is the technique which this corporation devises.
The bell and Gourd (the hail it is it is,), it keeps administering such as dragonfly (register) the design of luck ones
to the surface of the paulownia.
You use the graver of several dozen types and carve the design,
the grain being packed, you build up, the kimono area of the correct silk which reverse side hitting is done with the Japanese paper
to be beautiful it is the cheerful object of craftwork.
Use scene 【Metro street store】
1-4-5,Asakusa,Taito Ku,Tokyo
Store features While since 1874 establishing an enterprise bearing numerous traditional industry and raising and keeping, while feeling the wind of new age, furthermore it started doing the effort which is conveyed.
If from the paulownia box which inserts the fine arts to the paulownia cabinet the paulownia product having produced and selling with anything.
“The paulownia grain included” gains popularity long even among them as an ornament furniture the Edo hobby, regardless of the capital taste.
Used the fissure area and Saga brocade etc of the correct silk “the paulownia grain included” is the paulownia material and the gorgeous decorative technique to which nu cloudiness of the cloth agrees.

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