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Store details



Ochazuke is a rice cake cooked in an earthenware pot using a special soup stock.Ochazuke Bar Yamazaki

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Store information

Store name Ochazuke Bar Yamazaki
Nearest station Higashi Shinjuku Station
TEL 03-6205-6992
Parking Lot None
There is a coin parking nearby.
Business hours 19: 30~5: 00
(L.O.4: 00, drink L.O.4: 30)
Depending on the condition of the ingredients, it may be closed early.
Regular holiday Irregular holidays
Web site

Seats / Facilities

Total number of seats 12 seats
Number of people allowed to rent 10 to 12 people
Smoking Smoking allowed

Menu service / Related information

Store features Before drinking ... and after drinking ... "A cup of Ochazuke"
Please have a rest while doing a light cup.
If you like it, I would appreciate it if you could stop by.
An acoustic perfect karaoke is also available.
A new concept Ochazuke bar with a Showa atmosphere.

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