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Store details


Jazz bar Kohaku

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  • Jazz bar Kohaku
  • Jazz bar Kohaku

Store information

Store name Jazz bar Kohaku
Address Brotherville 6F,17-1 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-6455-0505
Parking Lot none
Business hours Monday~Thursday 19:00 ~ 2:00
Friday・Saturday・Day before public holiday 19:00 ~ 5:00
Regular holiday none
Average budget
  1. ¥800~
Credit card
  1. visa
  2. master
  3. jcb
  5. Diners Club
  6. Discover Card
Electronic money
  1. PASMO
  2. iD
  3. nanaco
  4. waon
  5. QUICPay
Apple Pay
Web site

Menu service / Related information

Store features A smoky secret base floating on the ground of Shibuya, the symbol of Tokyo that continues to run to the next generation.
Close to Shibuya Station, this shop blends calm Japanese taste and jazz as if the hustle and bustle of Shibuya were a lie.
You can enjoy Japanese whiskey, Japanese wine, original cocktails using seasonal fruits, homemade coffee shochu, rum raisins, and sake sangria in the shop where the band's live music and records flow.

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